be a light

“I can’t smell my coffee” was followed later in the day by “This ketchup tastes awful!”

No, please let it not be so!

We’d been lucky enough to avoid COVID this whole year—Why now?

Why just days before Christmas with plans for a beautiful gathering with our family and surprise visitors, our daughter-in-law’s parents from Canada, who have not been able to be with Jennifer and Collin for a full year because of this terrible pandemic.

But our daughter’s symptoms and fever, along with test results a few days later, confirmed that she did indeed have the illness that’s still running rampant, and our best-laid plans were turned upside down.

After we felt all the feelings and worked through the sadness of knowing our celebration wasn’t going to look how we’d dreamed and conspired, we were ultimately left, once again, with an abundance of gratitude that the Lord’s provisions, despite our own meager, shortsighted wants, are preeminent, and he always knows what’s best.

He sometimes allows His children to experience burning disappointment or difficulty because he’s a wise, all-knowing, protective Father, and His plans are so much greater.

No matter what you or I may be struggling with, God uses each situation to grow our character, increase our faith, and further his Kingdom.

It’s effortless to get caught up in the drama that living on this globe encompasses, with the constant barrage of information and communication that’s flashed before us from sun up until sun down.

It requires intentionality to remove ourselves from the crossfire and establish quiet, daily time with our Heavenly Father.

It’s in those heart to heart conversations that we reset our aspirations and ambitions to match those of the maker of heaven and earth.

He can grant us supernatural peace in our souls.

Regardless of where we live, what we do, and what we’re up against, the Lord can give us discernment to know what’s ours to undertake and what’s ours to accept—even when the outcome is in opposition to our desire.

Nothing happens without His permission and for that we’re blessed.

Most importantly, He calls us to be a light in this harsh world.

Like a brightly lit Christmas tree, igniting the darkness, we’re called to illuminate the love of our Savior to a hurting people.

Haven’t each of us been hurting in unimaginable and unparalleled ways this year?

Yes, we’re discouraged by the way life has been unfolding and may want to cry, moan, yell and rage, but we’re to realign our minds with God’s and be His light.

Our purpose for living, this year and always, through sickness and health, is simply this—to honor and glorify the Lord, loving Him and others.

It’s as uncomplicated, and as complicated, as that.

We are to be bright, shining lights.

Jesus will take care of the rest.

Matthew 5 : 14 – 16 You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

Ephesians 5 : 8 – 10 For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light! For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true. Carefully determine what pleases the Lord.

P.S. (Fifteen days later) Thank you, Lord Jesus, for restoring Marina back to good health! We praise you!!

12 thoughts on “be a light

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  1. I hope marina is feeling better and you all stay healthy!! We do need to be the light of this world, Gods light shining thru us☀️

    Sent from my iPhone


    1. Amen, Patrice! 🙏We’re so thankful she’s feeling better, praise God, and Craig and I didn’t get it, stay healthy and well and Happy New Year to you and Kevin! 🎊🎉
      I can’t wait to see your faces in 2021!! ❤️

  2. ❤ Debbie ❤ So good. As I pick my word for 2021, I hear echos of "intentionality" coming from the Love of our Savior that we must cling to in order to exude His light and acceptance and forgiveness to all people that bear His image. Your message here affirms that. God is for us, God is for all.

    1. Thank you, Pam ❤️ Amen to that!! That’s a perfect word going into 2021! Stay healthy and well and Happy New Year!! 🎊 Looking forward to seeing you face to face in 2021! 🥰

  3. Beautiful! I’m so glad my little Abby has such a wonderful mother-in-law! I’m so sorry your Christmas plans were changed.

    My plans have been changed too. BUT…God! ❤️I am blessed! 🙂🙂🙂🙂

    Sent from my iPhone


  4. Loved that despite plans not working out, “…we were ultimately left, once again, with an abundance of gratitude that the Lord’s provisions, despite our own meager, shortsighted wishes and wants, are preeminent, and He always knows what’s best.

    It is never easy in the moment! I have wrestled with this all year and have tried to lay my plans down trusting that the Lord has a better plan. In fact, it is a daily exercise whether I choose to “change the camera angle” and look at the overwhelming blessings or stubbornly keep wishing for my way!

    Thank you for sharing your insight! You are a gifted author! Are you ready for the speaking circuit?!

    1. Thank you, Cherie! ❤️ I agree, it is a daily exercise, sometimes minute by minute, right? That’s how He continues to grow and refine us!!
      I look forward to talking with you soon!

  5. So happy Marina is better! I am still hiding out in the house and havent been out of the house for weeks. Vaccines are moving into Chicago fast, hoping to get mine soon. Stay safe and well.
    Maureen Kaech

    1. Hi Maureen, thank you and you stay safe and well too! Yes, challenging times for all of us on many different levels, praying that life can return to “normal” as soon as possible, wishing you love and peace and so much hope and joy because God is in control of every last detail! May He bless you today❤️

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